The Importance of Balancing School Life with Childhood Routine

By: Daniela Silva

Much is said about the importance of balancing work and personal life for a fuller and more satisfying life in order to avoid mental exhaustion, stress, and anxiety. But what about the children? How can they benefit from a lighter and healthier routine, learning to balance school life with personal life?

Here are some tips:

Time management

Teach the child to set priorities between home routine and schoolwork, extracurricular activities, chores, and leisure time. Make a schedule of activities with the child with the times and days of the week for each activity.


Set Realistic Goals

Encourage children to set achievable goals for both school and personal life. Setting realistic goals helps them stay motivated and focused. Break larger goals into smaller, manageable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed.


Create a Study Routine

Establishing a consistent study routine helps children develop good study habits. Designate a quiet and organized space for studying and set specific times for homework and studying. Consistency makes it easier to manage academic responsibilities.


Practice Self-Care

Teach children the importance of taking care of themselves. Adequate sleep, a healthy diet, regular exercise, and relaxation techniques can all contribute to physical and mental well-being.


Breaks and Leisure Time

It’s important for children to have breaks and leisure time to recharge. Engaging in hobbies, spending time with friends and family, and pursuing activities they enjoy can contribute to a more balanced life.


Limit Screen Time

Excessive screen time can interfere with schoolwork and overall well-being. Establish screen time limits and encourage children to engage in other activities that foster learning and social interaction.


Minimize Multitasking

While it may seem efficient, multitasking can often lead to reduced focus and lower quality of work. Encourage your child to focus on one task at a time for better results.


Learn from Mistakes

If your child faces challenges in managing their time, help them learn from their mistakes. Discuss what went wrong and how they can adjust their approach in the future.



Sometimes unexpected events or changes in plans occur. Teach your child how to adapt and adjust their schedule accordingly.


Model Good Behavior

Children often learn by example. Model effective time management and organization skills in your own life to inspire them.


Balancing both school and personal life helps children develop in various dimensions. While school focuses on academics and intellectual growth, personal life allows for emotional, social, physical, and creative development. All these aspects contribute to a well-rounded individual. In addition, overloading a child with only academic responsibilities can lead to high levels of stress and burnout.

Learning to balance school and personal activities teaches children important time management skills. They need to allocate time for studying, extracurricular activities, hobbies, and relaxation, helping them develop a crucial life skill.

The balance between school and personal activities provides stress relief and allows children to engage in activities they enjoy, promoting better mental health.

In essence, achieving a balance between school and personal life helps children grow into individuals who are not only academically competent but also emotionally resilient, socially adept, and equipped with a wide range of skills necessary for a fulfilling and successful life.


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Daniela Silva is a Brazilian Education and Mental Health Writer living with her husband in Goiânia (GO), Brazil. She holds a BA in Pedagogy; an MBA in Personnel Management and a postgraduate certificate in Neuroeducation. Working as an educational writer since 2012, Ms. Silva is a regular contributor to several educational websites, such as oc87 recovery diaries, The Ability Toolbox, 4W, Inspire the MindPsychregThe Old Schoolhouse MagazineNew Heights Educational Group, and Texas Homeschool Coalition.