Children Need to Feel Important — Here’s How to Help with that

By: Gwen Payne with Invisible Moms

Agatha Christie famously said, “One of the luckiest things that can happen to you in life is, I think, to have a happy childhood.” Sadly, though, not every child has a happy, simple, carefree childhood. Some, who might come from single parent households where the parent must work long hours, can feel abandoned and lonely. Others, like those in orphanages or foster care, most certainly will have a childhood filled with sadness, uncertainty, and feelings of being unloved or unworthy of love.

All children need to feel important, and they need to practice self-care to help them feel important, even those in enviable households. But for children who, through no fault of their own, are living lives of desperation and loneliness, learning self-care is vitally important. That’s why Sparc Hope has assembled some helpful tips and resources.

Tips for Busy Working Moms

This is one of the busiest, most hectic times in your life. You’re working on building a successful career while caring for a family. When things at work get overwhelming, it’s hard to find ways to spend more time with your children. Since you cannot add more hours to the day, try prioritizing your time instead.

  • Carve out some downtime

    It’s important to set aside time where you just get to hang out and play with your kids. Unless you grab a pen and block out a few hours each week, it probably won’t happen. Make time with kids a priority by forcing it into your busy schedule.

  • Let them work with you

    If there are easy office chores like stapling documents or putting paper and old envelopes into the recycling, they can get a real kick out of “doing business,” with you. There are usually kid-friendly versions of most tools and office supplies, but as a final precaution, check product reviews for safety. Incidentally, your concern about their safety is another way to show them you care and make them feel important!

  • Get them involved in chores you can do together

    Something like helping you prepare meals or dusting furniture. They’ll love being with you so much that they won’t even think of it as a chore.

  • Make bedtime a special time

    There’s something about a quiet darkened room that invites conversation, notes Eternal Word Television Network. This is a time to take stock, to snuggle, to talk about some of the important things that your child is thinking about. Read books, tell stories, and sing little songs together to make this a time of day they actually look forward to.

  • Invest in new bedding

    Speaking of bedtime, you should also look into personalized options when it comes to bedding, in order to add some comfort and style to your sleep routine. You’ll be amazed at the difference this can make!

  • Buy quality products

    Buying quality products for your family, such as durable clothing, reliable electronics, and well-made furniture, can provide long-term value, save money in the long run, and reduce waste by avoiding the need for frequent replacements. Read reviews from trusted sources before making a purchase.

Self-Care Practices That Kids Can Do for Themselves

Another crucial aspect of parenting is training children to care for themselves when you’re not around. That’s just a matter of cleaning, dressing, and paying bills, though. It also requires teaching them how to start taking responsibility for their own mental health.

  • Meditation

    Meditation can help kids respond to stress and mitigate stress triggers, especially if you work to foster and maintain a positive environment in the home. After all, children these days have no real downtime, what with all this tech filling up their hours and preventing their minds from experiencing the stillness it needs. also shares some beginner tips for teaching meditation to different age groups.

  • Exercise

    Exercise is as important to us psychologically as it is physically. Getting into the habit of exercising every day improves heart health, muscle, and bone strength and even produces elevated levels of serotonin, our brains’ happiness hormone. If your neighborhood is walkable, commit to walking together after dinner most nights to get some fresh air. This presents an opportunity to talk and exercise at the same time.

  • Creativity Time

    Making music, singing, dancing, crafting, and painting are all excellent ways for children to express themselves and their moods and feelings. As long as they are free to create in exactly their own way, (no coloring inside the lines rules), it can have lasting benefits Allowing them the freedom to project their inside feelings into the outside world in a positive way fosters in them the love of creative arts.

  • Martial Arts

    Participating in martial arts can provide children with physical fitness, self-defense skills, increased confidence, improved self-discipline, and opportunities for socialization and teamwork in a fun and engaging setting.

Self-care for kids can start anytime and anywhere from home or out of the house. They just need a nudge and some guidance to make it happen. Make a dedicated effort to spend time with your children reading, walking or even cooking together. And encourage them to express themselves through art, music, martial arts, and dancing. Collectively, this can lead to better self-care practices they can carry with them throughout their lives.

If you’re a single parent struggling to make ends meet, Sparc Hope is here to help! Call 502.245.9899.

Children Need to Feel Important — Here’s How to Help with that.

By: Gwen Payne with Invisible Moms

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