By: Rachelle Vabe Nayre


Now that you are a parent, you’re juggling a million things at once, and sometimes, taking care of yourself gets pushed to the bottom of the list. But here’s the thing: we all have that little kid inside us, the one who still needs love, validation, and healing—your inner child.



Just because you are now a grown-up doesn’t mean that your childhood experiences don’t affect you. They can influence our behavior and personality in adulthood. For example, if you were neglected as a child, you may subconsciously neglect your needs as an adult. However, not everyone follows this pattern, as some people can recognize if they are being affected by this.



Signs of an unhealed inner child may manifest as self-sabotage, emotional triggers, or repeating negative patterns in relationships. Here are some examples:


Self-sabotage: In a romantic relationship, you end things because you believe you are the issue, to avoid hurting the other person. It involves getting in your way, consciously or unconsciously preventing yourself from reaching your goals or being happy.


Emotional triggers: Fear of failure. Parents who experience academic pressure might be triggered by their child’s struggles in school. These triggers are like emotional buttons, often connected to past experiences or traumas.


Repeating negative patterns in relationships: Repeatedly being attracted to emotionally unavailable partners can replicate dynamics from past relationships or childhood experiences. This often leads to getting stuck in the same kind of problems or conflicts in your relationships over and over again.



Healing your inner child can transform your life. It’s like giving yourself a big and warm hug from the inside out. Where do we start? Well, it’s different for everyone, but here are a few things to consider:


Connect with Your Inner Child: Take some time to connect with that little kid inside you. Close your eyes and picture them – what do they need? What do they want to say to you?


Practice Self-Compassion: Be gentle with yourself. You’re doing the best you can, and that’s enough. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would show a friend.


Find Your Joy: Do things that bring you joy and make you feel alive. Whether it’s dancing in the kitchen, pulling grass, or playing with dolls – find what lights you up and do more of it.


Seek Support: Don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it. Whether it’s talking to a therapist, joining a support group, or leaning on friends and family – you don’t have to do this alone.



When you heal your inner child, you’re not just healing the past – you’re shaping the future. And most importantly, it’s about finding your purpose. What lights you up? What makes you feel alive? 


By doing the work to heal your wounds, you’re not only creating a happier, healthier life for yourself, but you’re also showing your children what it means to be resilient, compassionate, and true to themselves.


So, as you continue on this journey of healing, remember that you’re not just doing it for yourself – you’re doing it for your children too. You’re giving them the gift of a parent who is whole and present, who can show up for them in ways that maybe you didn’t experience yourself.



Rachelle is a proud fur parent and an aspiring broadcaster based in the Philippines. She is passionate about sharing ideas and connecting with people. Rachelle has extensive experience in freelance writing and content creation hoping people to have an open heart and a fresh perspective on life.


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